PaYS Partnership Offers Birds-Eye View of Alaska
PaYS Partnership Offers Birds-Eye View of Alaska
By Pam Zagrocki, Director, Alaska Human Resources, and Jennifer Tungul, Vice President, Alaska Operations

On March 12, 2024, 澳博体育app下载 became an official partner with the Alaska Army National Guard under the Partnership for Your Success (PaYS) program. PaYS is a strategic partnership between the U.S. Army and a cross-section of corporations, companies, and public sector agencies. The program allows America’s soldiers to serve their country while preparing for their futures. This unique project is part of the Army’s effort to partner with America’s business community and reconnect America with its Army.
In October, the Alaska National Guard invited Jennifer Tungul, Pam Zagrocki, and representatives of other employers around Anchorage to the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Bosslift event.

The experience provided a first-hand glimpse of what it means to serve in the Army National Guard. It encompassed an introduction to Army Guard Aviation, an explanation of the ESGR and the PaYS Program, and ended with a thrilling Blackhawk helicopter flight.
It was an amazing immersion and an honor to have been invited. We saw the work in their maintenance shops and the Blackhawk took us through the Chugachh Mountain Range, the Eklutna Glacier, and then back to the Alaska Army National Guard airfield.
ESGR advocates for the National Guard and Reserve soldiers and is the link between the Guard and civilian employers. As an employer partner with the PaYS program, we were introduced to the Alaska National Guard ESGR program coordinator, Amy Arsenault. By building relationships with the Alaska military outreach programs, 澳博体育app下载 can continue recruiting and hiring talented
individuals to help us move freight better than anyone.